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Strategy & Operations - General Manager Puerto Rico
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Strategy & Operations - General Manager Puerto Rico

Jaime was formerly at DoorDash where he first led Miami and then Puerto Rico as General Manager. Jaime worked cross-functionally with Marketing, Sales, Product, and Account Management to grow his businesses. In Puerto Rico, Jaime focused his team in growing the Enterprise segment of the market. There Jaime had to provide analysis, information and strategy to companies like Burger King, McDonald's, etc. Through his and his team's work, Burger King decided to start leveraging DoorDash ads investing +$100k in the ads. More so, Burger King expanded their DoorDash coverage, introduced Firehouse Subs brand, and the relationship with McDonald's was strengthened to the point the company offered international expansion opportunities. Jaime is adept at SQL having owned all performance tracking in Florida for 1-year and then pivoting to using data to unblock quality issues in Puerto Rico.Under Jaime's tenure in Puerto Rico (3 Qtrs) he grew his business +78%, while increasing fleet capacity by +65%, lowering delivery times by 7 min and order cancellations by 4.5% (abs). Traffic-to-order conversion increased +8% during this time as well. Under his guidance Jaime's business achieved first-time profitability. Jaime has over 5 years of experience working in operations, analytics, and strategy for Walmart, Publix, and DoorDash. Jaime holds a BA from Amherst College and an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Jaime's first career was as an educator and he still considers himself a teacher.

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