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Director of Program Management
Years of Experience
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North Carolina
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Director of Program Management
North Carolina
I am a founder and program manager but my roots are that of a dairy farmer who never did well in school because I was helping the family business instead of focusing on my education or homework. I left home at 18 with one bag of clothes and moved to San Francisco. No home, no job and worked my way up to having a few different job titles by age 24. I continued to push myself with nothing but a high school diploma into a job at Apple, then TomTom and also Credit Karma with consulting work for Verizon, NFL and some well-known tech startups. I have successfully created global internship programs that have helped companies completely change their demographics where my work guarantees over 50% of new hires are female or persons of color from all around the world. I mentor, coach and advocate for everyone's human right to a voice and the opportunity to leave their mark on this world. My skills are focused on people but also on implementing strategy to solve problems. I can also do project management if the need arises.
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