He / Him
Creative Producer
Years of Experience
3 to 5
Hourly Rate
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Creative Producer
💡I’m a creative producer and strategist with over 15,000 hours of blended experience working, directing, and producing creative projects for e-commerce businesses - on location and in-house. (Ex- Chewy.com) 🌱 I’m a creative producer specializing in creative operations and brand development. I’m also an advocate for creating tools and systems that help creative professionals produce their best outputs. Currently, I’m designing a Notion powered workspace to help creative professionals organize, print and execute more ideas. 🛠 Additionally, I’m the founder of El Roi Studios (www.elroistudios.com) - a product photography solution for e-commerce businesses. 🎯 I'm available for hire for select local or remote contract opportunities as an executive producer, senior creative producer, or Head of Creative/Brand Strategy. For a deeper dive into who I am, check out my extended bio: https://elroistudios.notion.site/My-Bio-fa2123ba24274ba6bae274a835d65b94 To keep up with some of the things I’m working on: https://linktr.ee/javierbedwards
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