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Product Management
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Product Management
Greetings! I want to help you solve a problem. But first I want to help you define that problem. Once we figure out that problem and who needs the solution, I promise we’ll build the best solution possible. We’ll know this because we’ll watch the data and talk to our customers every step of the way. I promise…it’s that simple. We’ll run into some bumps, but we’ll build a world class team that loves to build solutions for this customer we’re obsessed about. I have experience working across financial services and retail. I’ve led small start up teams and big enterprise teams. My super power is my ability to get the best out of people without killing their soul. So I promise, we can work hard, build something amazing, and still like each other enough to grab a drink on Friday. Cheers!
Important info about contacting talent on Runner:

1) Use the form below to tell this runner a bit about the open position and suggest next steps for connecting.

2) Messages are reviewed internally for quality and safety before they’re released to runners.

3) Not all messages will receive replies.

4) By contacting talent on Runner, you acknowledge that you are actively hiring for an open role. As part of our commitment to pay equity, conversations that are consultations, not interviews, need to be compensated as such.
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