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Expert HR Professional, Consultant, and Educator
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North Carolina
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Expert HR Professional, Consultant, and Educator
North Carolina
Alan Jefferies has served in various HR roles within the private & public sector, as well as used his HR talents to serve his community. As a lead HR expert within a federal government agency, Jefferies specializes in classification/compensation/position management and used his expertise from private and public sector to lead the workforce development planning efforts, for an Office of 300+ employees. Additionally, Jefferies was involved in leading the Office’s strategic planning efforts. Currently Jefferies serves as an Agency lead to ensure 15,000+ federal employees receive a timely and accurate paycheck. Other areas of Jefferies experiences, include: recruitment, workforce development, strategic planning, diversity and inclusion, payroll, HR systems, and IT Project Management. In addition to his work in the federal government, Jefferies has held several roles within his community. He held employment as an Adjunct Instructor for Personnel Administration in North Carolina Central University’s Master’s of Public Administration program; served as a consultant to nonprofit organizations on diversity issues; served as an advisor for the Orange County Personnel Appeals Committee, and as a member on the Human Relations Commission for Orange County. Alan Jefferies is a graduate of East Carolina University where he attained his Bachelors of Science in Political Science with a minor in Biology. Jefferies went on to attend graduate school at North Carolina Central University where he earned his Masters of Public Administration, graduating with highest honors, summa cum laude.
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